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Future Lurcher

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Hi all, im looking at getting my first working lurcher in the next 12-18 months hopefully. I would like an all round lurcher, lamping, ferreting, day time-mooching about for rabbits, vermin etc, retrieving maybe, and also a good companion too. I was looking at a bull/greyhound type dog, as i like the size of them and know they wil have good jaws. But how trainable are these? Would a bull/greyhound x collie/greyhound work? I am thinking bully brawn and jaws and a bit of collie brain?? Or would this just not work?


What are your thoughts? What lurchers have you people got?


Thanks in advance, Gaz.

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Guest MyDogsAGuire

Hi mate I hava a Bull blooded dog for my first lurcher he was 2 last week, For what you want I wouldnt get one, He tries to go through things instead of around them, has a VERY high prey drive and when he was introduced to things that bite back lost interest in hunting up rabbits/marking them so not a great ferreting dog, He will kill ferrets etc. But I have put him up against alot of dogs on the lamp and I can truthfully say he has never lost, :D He will kill anything I tell him to.

These good and bad points dont come with all Bull x s I was just giving you my opinion :thumbs:

Although I dont really like collie xs I think a 3/4 Grey 1/4 collie would suit you perfectly :thumbs:

Take a look at World.Hunters dog on here it is a 3/4 Grey 1/4 Collie and he is using him for the same things you want a dog. Hope this helps :thumbs:

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MyDogsAGuire - Thanks foir your reply, very informative and definitely given me something to think about. Also where can i see a pic of world.hunters dog?


whippetmike - I have had bull terriers for all of my life and i like the good strong heads, jaws, chests and sheer muscle in the dogs. And you see this in the bull lurchers so i thought i would ask the question. Point taken about the jaws for rabbit though.


Red_Merle - Thanks for your advice, how trainable are bedlington whippets/greyhounds?


Cheers to all.

Edited by gareth_daniel
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Hello a bedlingtoXgreyhound will do what your wanting a dog to do.


Thanks to all who have replied. I am stil interested in the training aspect of the above mentioned (Bedlington/Greyhound)? Anyone trained one up from a pup? How easy are they to train?


Thanks again.

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I trained my beddywhippet x beddygreyhound up from a pup and had no real problems.

Read a couple of books first and used purdy's progress video as my guide.


Would recomend getting a young pup if your gonna train it up yourself.


Best of luck what ever you choose.


I'm using the Purdy's Progress video methods to train my Whippet Pup, I'm hoping for him to do all that you are going to ask of your pup. Seems to be working and I'd say it's worth watching for your first ever lucher as i didn't with my first and to be honest he was not the dog he could have been.


I've always avoided Bull X's because of the heavy jaw, i was put off when a guy who I bought a Patterdale off told not to make any sudden moves around his as it had already killed a Lab and a springer; as I've said I've never had one but this made me think that perhaps taking a dog physiclly capable of killing other dogs with apparent ease is perhaps a bit of overkill for coney.


My advice is to look at what/where your gonna be hunting and what methods you'll use and then look at the best dog for that.


IMO any breed is trainable if you are willing to put the time and effort in, I reckon you'll be alright just start with a Pup and be patient with it and let it get bored with you or the training.


Good luck :thumbs:

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Thanks to all above replys.


Im not sure if this has been covered already - but regards collie/greyhounds. What are the pros/cons of beardie collie/greyhounds over border collie/greyhounds?? or a mix of both. Is there much difference regards ability or is it mainly apperance?


Thanks again,



Edited by gareth_daniel
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